This cable is the same as the TC2030-CTX-NL cable except it has a 20-pin Cortex connector compatible with IAR's I-Jet and Keil's ULINK pro and similar. The cable itself uses a ten pin ribbon cable and 6-pin TC2030 Tag-Connect footprint supporting ARM Cortex MCU's. Please refer to the TC2030-CTX-NL datasheet.
Hersteller: | Tag-Connect |
Familie: | TC2030 |
Schon gesehen?
ARM20-CTX ARM20-CTX - 20-Pin ARM JTAG nach TC2030-IDC Adapter für ARM Cortex SWD Debug | | 38,00 € * | ||
TAG-PROTECT-6 TC2030-PINPROTECTOR | | 3,00 € * Gewicht: 0.01 kg |
GRIP-6 CRIP-6 3-Pack zum fixieren der TC2030 Connectoren im PCB | | 14,00 € * | ||
TC2030-CLIP-3PACK TC2030-CLIP-3PACK | | 22,00 € * | ||
TAG-PROTECT-6 TC2030-PINPROTECTOR | | 3,00 € * Gewicht: 0.01 kg |
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